Articles From the Postal Stationery Society Journal
The 1944-48 Palestine Airletter Sheet
Tony Goldstone, November 2010
Book Notice - Aerogrammes of Nigeria 1948 to 2000
Ray Harris, May 2016
Book Notice - British and Islands Postal Stationery Provisionals
Dr John M Gledhill, August 2017
Book Review - Postal Stationery Newspaper Wrapper Catalogue
Neil Sargent, August 2019
George VI Dies - Dates of First Sale
Maurice Buxton, May 2012
The Higgins and Gage Story
Wayne Menuz, August 1994/February 1995
Inaugural Meeting on 26 September 1992
February 1993
Natal Private Postal Cards
Keith Hanman, May 2010
Obituary: Radford Henry (Harry) Dagnall
Alan Huggins, May 2012
Stamp Dealers Mail
Colin Baker, August 2010
Uprated Postcards
Colin Baker, November 2010
Victorian Advertising Lettersheets
Tony Hitchcock, November 2012
Other Postal Stationery Articles
Articles submitted specifically for this website.Al-Moghreb private overprints on Morocco Agencies Newspaper Wrappers: census of known wrappers and varieties
Jan Kośniowski
Postal Stationery Exhibits
Links to postal stationery exhibits on other websites. If you know of any others, please .
Occupation Stationery of the Transvaal 1900-08
Tim Bartshe
Orange Free State - Postal Cards of 1884-1900
Tim Bartshe
The "Vurtheim" Enschede Postcard of Transvaal (ZAR) 1885
Tim Bartshe
Czechoslovakia – Double postal cards
Milan Cernik
The Forgeries of the Czech Postal Cards
Commission of the Experts of SCF
Norway, The Aerogramme Issues, 1948-1988
John Crowsley
Hungarian Postal Cards
Laszlo Filep
The Elizabethan Coronation Airletters
Erica Genge
The "Houses of Parliament" Airletters of Great Britain
Erica Genge
Pneumatic Mails of Vienna, Prague, and Karlsbad (1875‑1938)
Henry Hahn
Victorian Postal Stationery of India Used in Aden
Jerone Hart
Australia's Official Aerogrammes
Jerome Kaspar
New Zealand POW Aerogrammes
Jerome Kaspar
Postal stationery of Bangladesh 1971-1983
Ivan Leis
US 30c Stamped Envelopes
Robert Markovits
US 90c Stamped Envelopes
Robert Markovits
The Ioloni Palace Postal Card
Elizabeth Nettles
Iran Postal Stationery 1876-1925
Feraydon Novin
Böhmen & Mähren
Vilem Reichsfeld
Australia - "More than one"
Stephen Schumann
New Zealand Postal Stationery, 1876-1940
Stephen D. Schumann
Postal History of the U.S. Circular Die Postal Stationery: Rates and Usages 1916-1960
Stephen L. Suffet
Chile – "One or less"
Ross Towle
Austria - Anniversary Postal Stationery Issue 1908, 1914
Pavel Vizner
Indian One-Half Anna Envelopes of 1902-1907
Steve Zwillinger
Indian One-Quarter Anna Postcard of 1902
Steve Zwillinger
Indian Registration Envelopes of Edward VII
Steve Zwillinger
Postal Stationery Collectors' Websites
Postal Stationery of Denmark 1871-1879
Lars Engelbrecht
Luxembourg Postal Stationery
Gary Little