Society Meetings

All-day meetings are generally held twice at year at the Royal Philatelic Society premises in London, with lunch taken at a nearby restaurant for those interested.

We also hold a regular regional meeting at the Westcountry exhibition "Swinpex".

In addition, a number of online meetings via Zoom are now being planned.

Display frames at a recent meeting

2025 Programme

Saturday 22nd March 2025

At the Royal Philatelic Society, London: 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW starting at 10.30 am and finishing at approx. 4.00 pm.

Display: Maurice Buxton, GB Postal Stationery Cards.

This will be followed by the Society’s ‘One Sheet Competition’. All members present will be asked to vote for their choice of winner before lunch. The session after lunch will be for members’ displays of items from their collections of postal stationery, from a single sheet to a maximum of 5 frames (16 sheets per frame).

Wednesday 7th May to Sunday 11th May 2025

EUROPHILEX, Hall 9 National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham BN40 1NT.

For details see the advert in the February issue of the Journal or visit the EuroPhilEx website:

Saturday 5th July 2025

MIDPEX, Warwickshire Exhibition Centre, The Fosse, Fosse Way, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1XN.

80 Dealers and 40 Specialist Societies, ample parking and free shuttle bus to/from Leamington Spa Railway Station. The Society will have a table promoting the Society. Your help in welcoming potential members would be appreciated.

Saturday 4th October 2025

At the Royal Philatelic Society, London: 15 Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BW starting at 10.30 am and finishing at approx. 4.00 pm.

Approximate timings:

10.30 am Viewing of the society's auction lots for the auction to be held in the afternoon.
11.00 am Society's Annual General Meeting.
12.00 Tony Chilton 16/32 sheet competition judging, followed by the presentation of the Tony Chilton salver.
12.30 pm Lunch
2.00 pm The society's "live" auction to be conducted by Neil Sargent.