List of Society Publications


Collect British Postal Stationery
by Alan Huggins and Colin Baker

The Mulready Postal Stationery
by Alan Huggins and Alan Holyoake


The Society promotes the publication of detailed studies relating to postal stationery and encourages members to share their knowledge with others. As a result the Society is publishing a series of monographs covering many aspects of worldwide postal stationery. These are issued to all Society members free of charge in their first year of publication.

To date the following monographs have been published.

Monograph Number 1
Great Britain: Victorian Private Stationery Impressed With Embossed Stamps
Price £2.75

Monograph Number 2
Great Britain: The Mulready Postal Stationery
Price £4.00

Monograph Number 3
The Real Cost Of The Penny Post
Price £2.50

Monograph Number 4
Great Britain: The Development Of The Aerogramme
No copies currently available

Monograph Number 5
Canadian Election Postal Stationery
No copies currently available

Monograph Number 6
Great Britain: The GB Foreign Rate Postcards 1875-1899
No copies currently available


The Jubilee of the Uniform Penny Post
A detailed account of the events that took place in 1890 to celebrate 50 years of cheap postage in Great Britain.
36pp b+w. Price £3.50

Great Britain Postage Rates Prepaid by Postal Stationery 1840 to 2004
A comprehensive booklet listing nearly all the UK postage rates from 1840 which were applicable to all types of mail, not just postal stationery.
20pp b+w. Price £2.75

Copies of monographs & publications published by the Postal Stationery Society can be obtained at the prices given in brackets (inland postage is inclusive, overseas postage is extra) from the , Neil Sargent.